Smart Hydraulic Press Brake Machine


Advantages Smart Hydraulic Press Brake Machine

Akıllı Hidrolik Pres Bükme Makinesinin Avantajları

Dimensions of the press brake

Pres bükme makinesinin boyutları

width/Genişlik (mm) Ton Thickness/Kalınlık (mm) power motor/Güç Motoru (kw) tamk oil / Yağ Deposu (Litre)
1500 60 5 7.5 100
2000 60 4 7.5 100
2500 100 5 11 190
3000 135 6 15 190
3000 175 8 22 300
3000 220 10 22 300
3500 220 8 22 300
4000 175 6 22 300
4000 220 8 22 300
4000 320 10 30 400
4000 400 12 45 400
6000 220 5 22 300
6000 320 7 30 400
6000 600 12 45 600
press brake

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